One of the most important steps of your service is to follow the pre and post care instructions to ensure you achieve full results and avoid any complications.


Stop any waxing, plucking, tweezing, threading, chemical epilation, micro-needling, etc. due to the disruption of the hair follicle, which is the target for the laser.

Avoid sun exposure greater than 30 minutes, even if wearing sunscreen. Stop use of (AHA/BHA) products, hydroquinone, retinols and salicylic acid washes.

The treatment area must be clean-shaven 12-24 hours prior to treatment. Unshaven clients will be rescheduled. Razors are not provided in the clinics.

On the day of treatment skin must be clean and free of makeup, lotions, oils, deodorant, sunless tanning products, numbing cream, etc.


Mild redness and swelling of the hair follicles may occur. This is normal. Avoid picking or scratching the skin and follicles. Cool cloths can be applied. Sun exposure must be avoided.

After a week, you can exfoliate the treatment areas 2-3 times a week. This minimizes the risk of ingrown hair and encourages the shedding of treated hair. Sun exposure is still recommended to be avoided.

Shedding of treated hair continues. Note that this is not new hair growth. Continue to exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Sun exposure can be resumed with sunscreen.


Avoid any waxing, plucking, or tweezing to avoid any skin irriatation or damage.

Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self tanners. Discontinue the use of any retinoids.

On the day of treatment, skin must be clean and free of makeup, lotions, oils, serums, etc.


Mild redness may occur. It is important to Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen to prevent sun damage and hyperpigmentation.

Avoid skin irritants a few days post-treatment such as products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc. Avoid excessive heat from sources such as saunas and hot tubs.

After 3 days, you can continue your regular skin care regime and continue using sun screen to protect against sun damage.


Avoid direct sun exposure and use of SPF 50+ sunscreen. Avoid Laser, IPL, and Skin Needling/Cosmetic Grade Peels. Avoid electrolysis, facial waxing, and depilatory use. Do not Fake tan or use fake tan products.

On the day of treatment, skin must be clean and free of makeup, lotions, oils, serums, etc. Avoid prescription topicals such as Vitamin A or Hydroquinone.


Avoid direct sun exposure and apply SPF. Do not exercise or do anything that may cause excessive perspiration. including saunas, spas, and steam rooms within the first 1-2 days. Avoid direct heat. Do not pick or pulling any loose or exfoliating skin.

Avoid exfoliating your skin for the first 1-2 weeks after treatment. Avoid using any active or high-intensity skincare products for the first 5 days


Avoid direct sun exposure of any kind as well as tanning beds and self-tanning to the planned treatment areas. It is also recommended to avoid tweezing, waxing, or undergo laser hair removal on the areas you are planning on having the treatment.

Do not use any acidic products or irritants to your skin, such as retinoids or tretinoins, acne medication, BHAs (salicylic), benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C products, lightening agents such as hydroquinone or any exfoliative products including loofahs or coarse sponges to your skin.

On the day of treatment, do not apply any creams, lotions, aftershave, cologne, or perfumes and come to your appointment with makeup free, clean skin. It is recommended to bring a hat & sunglasses to avoid sun exposure on your trip home.


The peeling may take anywhere from 7-10 days on average or longer depending on internal and external factors such as skin type, age, weather, lifestyle, and hormones. 

Slight redness and skin sensitivity and flaking can occur as your treatment eliminates dead surface skin cells.

Your skin may take on a rough, patchy, darkened quality a few days after this treatment.  This is normal and expected and it will resolve on its own. 

The first areas to peel are usually around the nose and mouth, but can begin anywhere.  Most people begin peeling on the 3rd or 4th day after treatment.  It is also possible to not peel at all.  If this occurs, you will still benefit from the treatment because the skin has exfoliated microscopically.

Make sure to avoid excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning beds and self-tanners to the treated areas for 4 weeks after treatment.

Do NOT engage in strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment because it may exacerbate the inflammatory and can cause your skin to become extremely inflamed. Sweating excessively after treatment can irritate the skin or cause blistering due to the sweat being unable to escape through the top layer of dead skin.  Try to avoid sweating until after you have stopped peeling to avoid lifting the skin prematurely, as this can cause scarring.

Do NOT use any acidic products such as retinoids or tretinoins, acne medication products, BHAs (salicylic), benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C products, lightening agents any exfoliative products or materials to your skin for 2 weeks after your chemical peel.

Do NOT tweeze, pick, rub, exfoliate, wax, use a depilatory, undergo electrolysis for 4 weeks after your treatment. 

To reduce the risk of scarring, you do not want to remove the dry, rough, dead skin faster than your body wants to.


Avoid direct sun exposure of any kind as well as tanning beds and self-tanning to the planned treatment areas.

On the day of treatment, come to your appointment with clean, makeup free skin. It is also recommended to avoid any exfoilants or retinoids 24 hours prior to your appointment.


Avoid any exfoilants or retinoids for 24 hours after your appointment. You can wear makeup and do your normal skin care routine.

Continue avoiding direct sun exposure without sunscreen and avoid tanning beds.


Come to your appointment with clean, makeup free skin. It is also recommended to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds to prevent sensitive sunburns.


Do not apply makeup for atleast 6 hours after. Avoid direct sun exposure and avoid tanning beds.


Do not have any Chemical Peel treatments, botox, or filler 2 weeks before your appointment. It is recommended to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds.

Come to your appointment with clean, makeup free skin. It is also recommended to avoid any exfoilants or retinoids 24 hours prior to your appointment.


Avoid direct sun exposure and avoid tanning beds. It is recommended to wear sunscreen and reapply every 2 hours. Physical activity should be avoided until all or any redness has subsided. Do not use any heavy or active exfoilants.


It is recommended to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds along with waxing and hair removal.

Come to your appointment with clean, makeup free skin.


After microdermabrasion, your skin will be pink and feel dry and tight for about 24 hours. Use moisturizer. If redness occurs it should be gone in 24 hours. Use moisturizers and sunscreens. Avoid sun exposure for at least a week.


Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics or acids 5-7 days prior to your treatment. Avoid IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure. No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated for 5-7 days prior.  

On the of day treatement, do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil prior to your microneedling session. These will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical for your skin rejuvenation. Do not shave the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. Come to your appointment with clean, makeup free skin.


A sunburn-like effect is normal. Your skin may feel tight, dry or sensitive to touch. Treat the skin gently by washing it with a gentle cleanser, cool water, and using only your hands to pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after treatment.

Peeling may start 3-5 days after the treatment. You’ll notice skin dryness and flaking which is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. DO NOT pick, scratch, or scrub at treated skin! Keep skin moisturized.

You may start your regular skin care products again, once your skin no longer feels irritated. Most of our patients have noticed continued skin improvement over the months following their last treatment.